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The images on this page show one of the framed early prototypes, which was further developed. Originally numbered 1/1320 - from the 85% scaled edition - this particular piece was produced before the addition of the actual hole, and lining, which became a feature of the final facsimile editions.
Thereafter subsequent facsimiles in the two editions - keeping true to the surviving copy on file at the National Recored of Scotland - were created with the hole in the document an actual hole. The facsimile facing element (...the 'letter') was permanently attached to a separate lining to complete the realism of the piece.
See galleries further on in my website to view detailed images of the finished facsimile, in the 2016 editions

Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
The Declaration of Arbroath replica
Declaration of Arbroath facsimile

A 21st Century Facsimile
by Steven Patrick Sim

Crown copyright, National Records of Scotland, SP13/7



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